We are pleased to announce that the GHR Foundation has awarded
the Resource Center for Religious Institutes (RCRI) and the Leadership
Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) grants for a joint strategic planning
effort designed to assure a future for US women’s religious life. The GHR Foundation
assists organizations providing sustainable solutions to the world’s most
pressing social issues.
With the grants, LCWR and RCRI will assist orders of women
religious in this unique moment in history when their demographics include very
large numbers of elderly members. The grants will be used by the two organizations
to fund cooperative efforts to accompany religious institute leaders through
difficult decision-making processes, provide information on the practical
aspects of planning and preparing for the future, and offer pastoral care to
the members of communities that are in the midst of significant change.
Over the past year, LCWR and RCRI have worked with the
National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) to assess the assistance needed by
US women religious institutes in the next several years, particularly those
that are now in their last generation.
“LCWR has a responsibility to support its members in
navigating these next years – to downsize in order to become what religious
institutes have been through the centuries: small, liminal groups seeking God,
serving the needs of society at the margins, and raising up for the church
unaddressed needs,” said LCWR executive director Janet Mock, CSJ.
“RCRI, LCWR, and NRRO have studied the trends among
institutes of US religious and recognize that a number are now completing their
journey as an institute,” added RCRI executive director Sharon Euart, RSM. “We
also believe that a number of institutes have viability, but are in need of
assistance now to plan for a very different future.”
With the GHR grants, the two organizations will implement
programs specifically targeting institutes in serious need. Currently, there
are more than 200 women’s religious institutes that have fewer than 100 members
and have a median age of 75 or older. Additional institutes will reach this
stage in the near future.
GHR awarded LCWR $1,125,000 over five years to hire a woman
religious who will assess the needs of these religious communities and form
teams of religious who can accompany the leaders during the discernment and
decision-making processes that need to occur in order to avert crises. The teams
will also provide pastoral care to institute members as decisions are made and
RCRI received a grant of $350,000 to provide practical
assistance to leaders with the governance, managerial, and financial decisions
facing these religious institutes. RCRI will develop models and resources for
use by the institutes, and will train individuals who can assist institutes
with the implementation of the resources. RCRI will offer its services through
major workshops at the annual RCRI conference, regional workshops, webinars,
and online resources.
LCWR and RCRI have created this initiative to strengthen US
women’s religious life. “The project is designed so that a religious institute
can continue to control and govern its own future,” explained Sharon. “We also
hope women religious will understand that many of the duties now performed by
leaders can be transferred to management, freeing the leaders to attend the
mission and ministry of their institutes. We believe that in the future there
will be fewer religious institutes, but these will be vibrant with sufficient
“The program will assist religious institutes in planning
for and celebrating their legacy and making wise decisions about the care of
their members,” added Janet. “It also has the potential to release new energy
that frees younger religious to focus on mission and carefully discern how
religious life may move into the future.”
On behalf of RCRI, the Project Team consists of Sister Pam
Chiesa, PBVM, as Project Coordinator, Sister Linda Orrrick, SNJM, and Claire
Blohm, with Rev. Dan Ward, OSB, as legal consultant and Sister Sharon Euart as
Project Director.
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